A report by Macotakara has popped up suggesting that the iPhone 4S will carry an A5 dual core chip, an 8MP camera and will have an integrated SIM card. Whilst the iPhone 5 will launch in 2012.
The report carries details which we’ve known for quite a while, for instance the next gen iPhone boasting a dual core A5 chip from the iPad 2, an all new 8MP camera, but the thing that’s new in the next gen iPhone rumors world is that it will have an integrated SIM card, in other words, your GSM iPhone’s SIM card won’t be user replaceable. The report suggests that the iPhone 4S will have a design similar to the iPhone 4, it will be a hardware upgrade rather than a cosmetic one. Last but not the least, the iPhone 5 will release in Spring 2012 and that would be a huge upgrade over the iPhone 4 and 4S. According to 9to5Mac:
The report also adds that a full iPhone revamp – iPhone 5 – is expected in spring 2012. This may mean that Apple has not just changed their iPhone release cycles to September; the September new iPhone thing could just be a 2011 thing. That’s great news for anyone holding out for an all-new design.
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